The 7 steps towards a successful Brainstorm

This is a clear guide helping you to facilitate your own brainstorm.

If you are organising your first brainstorm or you are curious to discover how you could switch up the way you facilitate, then check out this guide.

The 7 steps are explained in 7 visual slides. A breeze to walk through. The final page can be used as a quick reminder of the 7 steps during your brainstorm.

A Brainstorm is merely a method to generate ideas. Determining the right brainstorm topic is key. So make sure to: 

  1. Explore and understand how the company is doing vs. competition (with your marketeer)
  2. Understand the consumers and their needs (with your consumer science)
  3. Identify the biggest opportunity areas (as a team)

Agree to ideate within these Opportunity Areas.

To see the surrounding innovation process, check out my guide: “How to make your Innovation work”.